Community Advisory Council

The Office of Minority Health & Health Disparities Research work in collaboration with the Community Advisory Council that is comprised of members representing the Wards of the District with a particular focus on those areas East of the River, neighborhood residents, community- based physicians, non-profit and community organizations, churches, media and government officials. With input from our council members, we are able to conduct focus groups and needs assessments to ensure that the community needs are accurately depicted and understood regarding their health experience so that appropriate scientific research is taken.

Melanie Nix, CAC Chair

Chiranjeev Dash, MBBS, PhD, MPH, Academic Co-Chair

Shuron Abdullah, Musjid Muhammad

Cristian Argueta, RMA, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington

Jacqueline Beale, National Ambassador, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network

Derrick Butts, Prostate Cancer Awareness Alliance

Lori Cook, MSN, RN, PMHCNS-BC, Vermont Baptist Ministry

Rev. Kendrick E. Curry, PhD, MDiv, Pennsylvania Ave Baptist Church

Victoria Girard, Professor of Law, Georgetown University

Reverend Ebony J. Grisom, Georgetown University

Kimberly Higginbotham, Howard University Hospital

Kenya “Garçon” Hutton, Center for Black Equity

Angela James, MBA, LMSW, MEd, OSW-C, OPN-CG, Lungevity

Thelma D. Jones, Thelma D. Jones Breast Cancer Fund

Ify Anne Nwabukwu, BSN, RN, African Women’s Cancer Awareness Association

Senkuta Riverson, MPH, DC Department of Health

Andrea Roane, Journalist

Tho Tran, Vietnamese American Services

Robin Williams, MD, Howard University